The City of Marion requires every person engaged or intending to engage in any calling, business, occupation or profession in whole or in part within the limits of the city to pay an annual license fee and to obtain a business license as provided in the city ordinance.
To obtain a Business License or inquire about fees, visit the City Clerk’s Office at 107 S. Main St., or call (843) 423-5961 or e-mail City Clerk at
You will need to provide:
- The business name
- The business location
- A brief description of the business
- The owner’s name and Federal ID # or Social Security number under which to obtain a license
All contractors must provide a copy of their state contractor’s license.
The Business License fee is based on the type of business, location, and the projected gross income of the business for the balance of the calendar year. All business licenses expire on April 30 of each year.