The City of Marion Recreation Department is committed to offering well-maintained parks and providing quality recreation programs and leisure activities to the citizens of our community. We offer our citizens the opportunity to recreate in a fun, fair and safe environment, enriching the quality of life for our citizens and their families.
Youth spring sports registration begins February 13, 2023, and closes March 10, 2023. Sports offered will be tee-ball, softball, and baseball. Register for upcoming programs by visiting the Shannon Wilkerson Gym or call 843-423-5410 for information!
For the most up-to-date information about schedules, games, rain-outs, and such, visit us on Facebook!
We also offer a wide range of activities for our Senior Adult community. Call 843-423-5410 for more details, and join the fun!
Recreation Department
702 Wilcox Avenue
Marion, S. C. 29571